Lyman Public Library

313 Jeffers Ave
Lyman, NE 69352


Tuesday: 10 am to 2 pm
Wednesday: 10 am to 2 pm
Thursday: 10 am to 2 pm

Library Catalog


General or non-specific topical posts go in this catagory

March Library Letter

It’s Finally March!!!

Spring is approaching, and it’s time to say goodbye to those dark and gloomy winter evenings. Longer days, cheery moods, and allergies are quintessential Spring elements, and so is “Read Across America Week.” 

“Read Across America Week” is celebrated from March 2 to 6 — it begins on the birthday of the beloved author, Dr. Seuss. In fact, the entire month of March is devoted to reading. There is no better way to celebrate than to read a book. Whether it’s the latest bestseller on our New Books shelf or a classic from our selection of vintage first editions, grab a book and start reading!!!

For all the gardeners reading this, it’s never too early to plan for your summer and fall harvests. The library is starting a Seed Library, and we will be accepting donations of commercially packaged seeds of all varieties to get this project started. We will also host a seedling exchange in the spring. Stop in and grab a gardening or seed catalog to get ideas for your garden. Learn more about seed libraries by visiting our website:

The library is still hosting Tuesday Morning Coffee every week beginning at 10 am, and it has been a great way to catch up with friends we may not have seen in a while over coffee, tea, and snacks. Join the fun with us!!!

Sadly, a day may come when our 100+ overdue library books and DVDs are hopelessly lost. Today is not that day!!! Look around while spring cleaning and see if you can find them. We believe in you!!!

After you’ve returned all of those overdue items, be sure to peruse through all of the new books available for checkout that you’ve been missing out on by visiting our online catalog 

We look forward to seeing you during our current hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10  am to 2 pm. If you need to visit the library outside of our open hours or would like to use the library for a meeting or study group, don’t hesitate to call us at (308) 787-1366. Happy reading!!!


What Is A Seed Library?

According to Wikipedia, “A seed library is an institution that lends or shares seed. It is distinguished from a seed bank in that the main purpose is not to store or hold germplasm or seeds against possible destruction, but to disseminate them to the public which preserves the shared plant varieties through propagation and further sharing of seed.”

So what is a seed library? It’s simply a place where you can “check out” seeds for free. The seeds come from the backyards of local gardeners and companies that donate seeds. The Lyman Public Library does not require a library card to check out seeds.

In addition to being free, here’s what’s awesome about getting seeds from a seed library. First, you have the chance to get unique heirloom and local varieties from folks who have been gardening for years. Second, fewer seeds are wasted. Many of us don’t need a whole seed packet of seeds; the seed library makes small packets suitable for a home garden.

We accept all kinds of seed donations of commercially packaged and saved seeds. We then repackage donations into coin envelopes, writing as much information as possible onto a mailing label and sticking it on the front. Each envelope will contain enough seeds to start three to five plants.

Due to a lack of time and manpower, we don’t strictly monitor what is being checked out, but we do have a sign-out sheet where people write their names and the seeds they’ve taken, and can include an email address if they are interested in our gardening programs or volunteering.


February Library Letter

Happy February Everyone!!!

Whether in a relationship, single, or ready to throw your ex out the window, there are plenty of ways to celebrate Feb. 14th that don’t involve crowded restaurants, buying fancy presents, or sitting at home alone. Celebrate Valentine’s Day this year instead with a trip to the library, where we have a wide selection of DVDs and novels to choose from, no matter what your idea of a romantic night in, from Hallmark Romance to the latest from Stephen King, might be.

For all of you gardeners out there, it’s never too early to plan for your summer and fall harvests. The library will be starting a Seed Library, and we will be accepting commercially packaged seeds of all varieties to get this project started. We will also host a seedling exchange in the spring.

The library has begun hosting Tuesday Morning Coffee every week, beginning at 10 am. This is a great way to catch up on local events and chat with friends and neighbors over coffee, tea, and homemade goodies. Come join the fun with us!

The library is also attempting to locate and reshelve over 100 overdue books and DVDs. There are no late fees if you happen to come across any of these while doing some early spring cleaning this month, just pop by the library and toss them through the Book Drop.

Last but not least, don’t forget to come see all of the new books available for checkout with our online catalog 

We hope to see you soon during our new hours, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm.


Hello World!!!

Hello everyone on this cold and snowy day in the Panhandle!!! My name is Kathrine Rupe, and I am the new director of the Lyman Public Library. Big changes are in store for the library, which I am very excited about.

Please stop in and see us during our new hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 10 AM until 2 PM.

If you have any questions, call the library at 308-787-1366 or email us at

Stay warm and happy reading!



Mission Statement

The mission of the Lyman Public Library is to inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge and to strengthen our community through opportunities.


Library Policies



The following policies were prepared by the Lyman Public Library Board of Trustees and establish the operational policy of the library.  These objectives and policies will be examined annually and may be revised at any time by action of the board in the same way as prescribed for amendment of the by-laws governing the trustees.


To assemble, preserve, and administer, in organized collections, books and related educational and recreational material in order to promote, through guidance and stimulation, the communication of ideas, an enlightened citizenship, and enriched personal lives.

  1. To serve the community as a center of reliable information.
  2. To support educational, civic, and cultural activities of groups and organizations.
  3. To provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young people, men and women to continue and broaden their education.
  4. To seek continually to identify community needs, to provide programs of service to meet such needs and to cooperate with other organizations, agencies, and institutions which can provide programs or services to meet community needs.
  5. To provide opportunity for recreation through the use of literature, music, films and other means within the sphere of library activities.


  1. Collection and Procurement
  2. The librarian shall be responsible for the selection and purchase from the mass of available materials those items which best meet the interests and needs of the community.
  3. Gifts, Bequests, Memorials
  4. The library accepts gifts of suitable materials with the understanding that they will be added to the library collections only when needed and disposed of at the discretion of the librarian and the Board of Trustees.  The same principles of selection are applied to gifts.
  5. Unrestricted gifts of money, lands, or property will gratefully accepted by the Board.  Restricted gifts or bequests will be reviewed by the Board before acceptance or rejection.
  6. Materials Selection
  7. Ultimate responsibility for book selection, as for all library activity, rests on the librarian, who operates within the framework of policies and objectives determined by the Board.  So far as practical, all members of the Board will participate in the selection process because an informed board contributes to intelligent use of the book collection.  All aspects of material selection will aim at implementing the library’s general objectives.
  8. General criteria applied to all materials will include:
  9. Permanence or timeliness.
  10. Authoritativeness and/or standing and reputation of the author or publisher.
  11. Suitability and importance to the whole collection.
  12. Price and/or availability of funds.
  13. All phases of the selection procedure will work toward the establishment of a representative collection of materials of high quality based on achievement of the services the library is expected to perform.
  14. The library recognizes that some materials controversial and that any given item may offend some patron.  Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval but solely on the basis of the principles stated in this policy.
  15. Responsibility for children’s reading rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.
  16. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of content. No library material will be sequestered except to protect it from damage or theft.
  17. Patrons requesting that materials be withdrawn from or restricted within the collection may complete a “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” form which is available in the library.
  18. At the time a “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” is returned to the library, the inquiry will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Village of Lyman Public Library Board.
  19. The library adopts the policy statement of the America Library Association, the Library Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read statement on book selection and controversial materials.
  20. Services of the Public Library
  21. The library will provide guidance and assistance for people to obtain the information they seek as recorded in print and audiovisual materials.
  22. Public Access Computers currently provide access to the internet and the World Wide Web and a variety of materials of a reference and/or educational nature.  This does not include chat rooms or sites inappropriate for a public setting.  Use of the internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use in violation of this policy will result in cancellation of privileges.
  23. The computers are normally available, subject to periodic maintenance, during regular library hours.
  24. Use of the computer is on a first-come, first-served basis. Each customer must sign in when using a computer.
  25. Parental/Guardian permission is required for all internet users sixteen (16) years of age and under. Parents or guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for the internet information selected and/or accessed by their children.  Parents are advised to supervise their children’s internet sessions.
  26. E-mail is not available through the Public Access Computer. If the patron has an account elsewhere, it may be accessed through the library computer, but staff is not responsible for determining the particular method needed for accounts on other servers.
  27. Use of the system for any commercial, illegal or criminal purpose is not permissible.
  28. Materials on the network may be subject to copyright laws. Any responsibility or consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user.
  29. Personal software programs may not be used on the Public Access Computer.
  30. If files need to be saved, the patron must ask the librarian for assistance.
  31. Printing costs are $.25 per page.
  32. The library will initiate programs to stimulate the use of the library materials to fill the needs of people of all ages.
  33. The library will co-operate with civic and community agencies and organizations to help them with program materials.
  34. The library will supplement, but cannot perform the function of, school and other libraries which are designed to meet special needs.  This public library will at all opportunities co-operate with other libraries to strengthen the services and resources of all.


  1. Use privileges
  2. Within the library, the use of all references and collections is free to all.
  3. Home use privileges are free.
  4. Services will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic, or political status.
  5. Privacy Policy
  6. Library users should be able to pursue informational and recreational reading secure in the knowledge that no third person has access to their library records without proper observance of the law.
  7. Any patron requesting by telephone a list of items checked out will be given the due date and number of items only.
  8. The Guarantor of record may check on a juvenile record, with proper identification, spouses, siblings and other relatives may not check on each other’s record.
  9. Staff shall refer all requests for personal information, including subpoenas, to the Library Director or the Assistant Librarian.  All subpoenas shall be photocopied and forwarded to the Village Clerk.
  10. Operating Hours
  11. The library shall be opened minimum of 13 hours a week.
  12. Holidays
  13. The library will be closed on the holidays which are observed by the Village of Lyman or as designated by the Library Board of Trustees.
  14. Lending
  15. All borrowers must present a valid library card in order to check out materials.
  16. Materials shall be loaned for periods of two (2) weeks and may be renewed for an additional two (2) weeks only.
  17. Reference materials, collection materials, and other designated materials may be used only in the library.  Refer to the list in the library.
  18. All videos may be loaned for periods of three (3) days and may be renewed for an additional three (3) days.
  19. Overdue Materials
  20. A charge of 5 cents per day per book will be assessed for overdue books.
  21. For any book that is 2 weeks overdue, the librarian will make contact with the patron either by phone or letter.
  22. At 3 weeks overdue a letter including the replacement cost of the book, the fine and a statement suspending library privileges until the book is returned or paid for will be sent.
  23. A report of loss will be accepted only after an item is 30 days overdue.  Fines will be stopped when the loss is reported.
  24. A charge of $1.00 per day will be assessed for overdue videos.
  25. For any video 3 days overdue the librarian will contact the patron either by phone or letter.
  26. Videos one week (7 days) overdue will cause a letter to be sent including the replacement cost of the video, the fine and a statement suspending library privileges until the video is returned or paid for.
  27. Borrowing privileges will be suspended for patrons whose fines or fees exceed $1.00.

Each Thursday will be a “Free” day.  All overdue books and materials may be returned without a fine or fee.  This rule does not apply to videos.


  1. The Library Board establishes this financial policy to ensure fiscal accountability, appropriate use of funds in support of the Library’s mission and goals, and compliance with appropriate laws and ordinances.
  2. Library Director shall establish an annual budget.  Submission for approval will go before the Library Board of Trustees, and then it will be submitted to the village clerk for inclusion in the Village’s budget.
  3. After adoption by the Village Board, the allocated funds will be made available in the library account for library materials and services.
  4. On a monthly basis, the Library Director shall present a list of all expenditures to the Library Board for review and approval.  Approved invoices will be forwarded to the Village Clerk for payment.
  5. On an annual basis, all Library funds, expenditures and revenues will be audited as part of the Village’s audit.  Any notes or communications from the Village’s auditor regarding the Library shall be communicated with the Library Board.
  6. Receipts:
  7. Monies received as revenue by the Library will be submitted to the Village as general revenue and deposited to the Library account.
  8. Monies received as reimbursements for lost or damaged materials, computer printouts, copies, and small donations for discarded books may be used to defray expenses in these areas, and serve as petty cash fund, as authorized by the Library Board.
  9. Withdrawn library materials and materials donated but not added to the collection will be disposed of at the discretion of the Library Director.  There is an ongoing book sale at the library and magazines are free.
  10. Grants & Donations:
  11. Funds donated to the Library may be allocated according to the wishes of the donor. Memorial Funds will be used as designated by the donor or for library materials or furnishings chosen at the discretion of the Director & Library Board if undesignated.
  12. Utilization of grant funds from any source will be used in accordance with the requirements for receiving funds unless no specific commitment was required.  In such case the expenditure of these funds will be decided by the Director and/or the Library Board and approved at the regular monthly meeting of the Library Board.


Emergency Medical Situations

  1. If the person is conscious, offer help and try to get identification if patron is not known.  Remain calm, supportive, and sympathetic and see that the person is comfortable.  Keep other people away.  Call 911 and direct rescue squad to the individual needing attention.  A person who wishes to leave the library, obviously not well, cannot be stopped by a staff member.

Power Outage

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Provide assistance to visitors
  3. If needed, secure flashlight from office.
  4. If it is dark outside and the power is off for more than 15 minutes, the staff may politely ask visitors to leave the library and close the facility.

Inclement Weather

  1. In case of inclement weather, such as tornadoes, staff will alert the public and direct them to the Lyman Fire Dept. basement meeting room next to the Library for shelter.  In case of unattended children, staff assumes “loco parentis,” and directs them to shelter.  If staff feels there is not time to get to the fire dept., the children section of the library is the safest place to take shelter.  An adult person who wishes tostay in the library cannot be forced to take shelter elsewhere.


  1. Leaking gas or motor vehicles could be the cause of life-ending explosions.
  2. Crawl under a table or desk-be prepared for possible further explosions.
  3. Stay away from windows, mirrors, overhead fixtures, filing cabinets, bookcases and electrical equipment.
  4. Evacuate the building if possible-open doors carefully watching for falling objects.
  5. Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in obvious, immediate danger (of fire, building collapse, etc.)
  6. Do not use matches or lighters.
  7. Avoid using telephones in building-go to fire dept. for help if possible.


  1. Staff will follow fire safety procedures:
  2. Calmly request all patrons leave the library through either exit door.
  3. Call 911 and report the fire.
  4. Disconnect electrical equipment that is on fire if it is safe to do so.  Pull the plug or throw the circuit breaker.
  5. If the fire is small, staff may attempt to put it out with a fire extinguisher if they have been properly trained.
  6. Never allow the fire to come between you and the exit.
  7. Staff must not jeopardize their own personal safety.
  8. Once out of the building move away from the structure.


  1. If a staff member receives a threatening telephone call, the following steps should be followed:
  2. Remain calm and listen carefully. Be polite and show interest.  Try to keep the caller talking, so that you can gather more information.
  3. If possible, write a note to a colleague to call the police on a cell phone.
  4. After the threat has been made, write down as many details as you can remember to provide to police interviewers.
  5. Evacuated the premises if deemed necessary.
  6. Report the threat to the police if this has not already been done.
  7. In case of a receipt of a letter or suspicious parcel or discovers a suspicious object somewhere on the premises these steps should be followed.
  8. Do not allow anyone to handle object or go near it.
  9. Evacuate patrons from the building.
  10. Call 911.
  11. Promptly write down everything you can remember about receiving the letter or parcel, or finding the object needed for police interview.


  1. In the event of a large-scale emergence, local history materials will receive the first priority for attempts of salvaging.
  2. Assess the damage.
  3. Determine environmental conditions indoors/or outdoors. Staff should not enter the facility until given clearance by professionals.
  4. Estimate how much materials were affected. Take notes, pictures or video of damage.  Determine where the material started out, what is its condition, and where did the material end up.
  5. Determine what kinds of paper are involved. Coated or uncoated?
  6. Determine what types of media are affected. Photos, magnetic or paper?
  7. Determine what kind of damage is involved.
  8. Determine the value of the material. Historical or art factual?
  9. If freezer space is available, temporary freezing wet materials within the first 48 hours will be the first choice of salvaging materials as this prevents mold growth and buys time to make informed decisions regarding recovery.


  1. The Lyman Public Library seeks to promote understanding of the library’s objectives and services among governing officials, civic leaders, and the general public as well as to promote active participation in the varied services offered by the library to people of all ages. Library staff and board members are encouraged to participate in variety of community activities that promote the library.


  1. Any objections about library material, services or facility must be addressed to the Director in a written complaint. The Director and the Library Board will then review the complaint and any resolution suggested.  A letter by the Director explaining the decision of the Board will be sent to the patron.  If the letter cannot settle the matter, a meeting may be scheduled with the Director, Library Board and the complainant.  If the Library Board needs help, they may ask for help from the Nebraska Library Commission.  Complaint forms are kept in the file.


  1. As an educational and cultural institution, the Lyman Public Library welcomes exhibits and displays of interest, information and enlightenment to the community.  Displays of handiwork, historical material, nature study, or any material deemed of general interest may be exhibited.  The director shall accept or reject material offered for display based on its suitability and availability.


  1. The library will be promoted in the community thru newspaper articles including the village’s monthly newsletter, community bulletin boards, special promotions, and specific services and events.


  1. It is a patron’s responsibility to maintain necessary and proper standards of behavior in order to protect his/her individual rights and privileges of other patrons.  If a patron creates a public nuisance, or presents a safety and/or security hazard or effects the ability of the Library staff to provide service to its patrons, that patron may be restricted from the library and from the use of the library facilities.  Those who are unwilling to leave or do no leave within a reasonable amount of time, after being instructed to do so by the staff, will be subjected to the law.


  1. Staff in-service and professional affiliations are encouraged by the board.  Monies have been established in the budget for this purpose.


  1. General Statement
    • To achieve the goal of good library service the Board of Trustees accepts the responsibility to see that the public library building facilities are provided and maintained in a manner which will adequately meet the physical requirements of modern, aggressive library service.  Such facilities will offer to the community a compelling invitation to enter, read, look, listen and learn.


  1. Publicity
  • All publicity concerning the library shall be the Responsibility of the Board of Trustees and/or the Librarian.

This Policy of the Lyman Public Library was reviewed and amended this 3rd day of August, in the year 2016.







Pictures of the Library
